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Benefits Advisement


What is a Benefits Advisor?
A benefits advisor can assist you with applying for disability, Medicaid, Medicare, returning to work when you are ready, and other programs that help stabilize your income. Our Benefits Advisors can assist with:

  • Navigating various benefits applications

  • Applying for disability (short and long-term)

    • SSI benefit calculation

    • SSDI

    • DAC

  • SSA Work Incentives (Ticket to Work)

    • Impairment-related work expenses

    • Job Subsidies

    • Trial Work Months

    • Extended Period of Eligibility

    • Expedited Reinstatement

  • Medicaid and Medicare

    • Applying for disability status without applying for SSI

    • Savings Plan

    • Pooled Trusts

    • Paid for Home Health Aids

    • Medicaid Buy-In for Working People with Disabilities

    • Medicaid Spend-Down

  • Social Security Overpayments

  • Help you set up payment plans

To learn more about the Ulster County Department of Social Services (DSS), click here.

To learn more about federal SSI, click here.

For information or to schedule an appointment, contact Debbie Denise, Benefits Advisor, at 845-331-0541, ext. 24.

For more information about Social Security, visit The site contains forms and answers to frequently asked questions.

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