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RCAL's Representative Payee Service


RCAL's Rep Payee Forms for your convenience

Forms For Landlords

Rental Agreement [Dutchess Landlord Agreement Form] [Ulster Landlord Agreement Form] - If you do not do leases, you will need to fill this out with your tenant and submit it to us.

Landlords: If you would like to receive your funds more efficiently have them Direct Deposited

Dutchess County Landlord ACH Form

Ulster County Landlord ACH Form 

Forms For Individuals

Info Sharing Form - You may assign one (only 1) additional person besides yourself to call and speak with us on your behalf.

Dutchess County Individual PNA ACH Form - Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) Direct Deposit Form

Ulster County Individual PNA ACH Form - Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) Direct Deposit Form

Dutchess County Additional Funds Request - If you would like additional funds please fill out this form. 
Note: You must have funds available. 

Ulster County Additional Funds Request - If you would like additional funds please fill out this form.  Note: You must have funds available. 

Forms for Representatives from other Agencies

Please make sure that you coordinate with the entire care team, remember only one representative can be appointed besides the individual

Info Sharing Form - You may assign one (only 1) additional person besides yourself to call and speak with us on your behalf.

Ulster County Agency to Agency Information request form - As a courtesy, this Agency to Agency form is provided to assist other Agencies working with our Individuals who need information.  Please make sure you have a consent form on file, and fill out this form.  Written Info Requests do not have to be by the designated representative.

Dutchess County Agency to Agency Information request form


Transitioning Services

RCAL is pleased to provide Representative Payee services for you.  However, if at any time you would like to transition to another Representative Payee or you believe that you are capable of handling paying your own bills, this is the process to do so.

Transitioning to another Representative Payee:

There are two options available to you to change Representative Payees:

1. Have the prospective Representative Payee complete Form SSA-11 which can be found online or at your local Social Security office.

2. Go to your local Social Security office with your prospective Representative Payee and ask them to assist you in making the change.

Transitioning to paying your own bills:

1. If you are interested in becoming your own representative payee, please discuss this with the fiscal office.  We may be able to provide you with assistance in learning the necessary skills.

2. A medical doctor or psychiatrist needs to write a letter stating that you can resume this responsibility.

3. Your current representative payee must write a letter stating that you can pay your bills.  Generally, your current payee will not do this unless you have shown responsibility in paying small bills and managing small amounts of money each month.

If you have any questions regarding this, you may contact us at (845) 331-7039.

The RCAL logo. There is a dark blue mountain with an organge stick figure to the left of it and an orange sun to the right.  There is a blue swoosh around the left side of the image.  Beneathe the image is "RCAL" in orange and "Resource Center for Accessible Living, inc." to the right of that in blue.


727 Ulster Avenue
Kingston, New York 12401

Main: 845-331-0541
Fax: 845-331-2076
TTY: 845-331-4527


Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm


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